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35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century

René Vincent (1879–1936) was a French illustrator who was active in the 1920s-1930s. He worked in an Art Deco style and became famous for his poster designs. He was influential in the Art Deco movement in the period between the two world wars. His illustrations helped define advertising in the 20th century.

Vincent was an illustrator for La Vie Parisienne, L’Illustration and Fantasio. When he came to the United States, he did work for the Saturday Evening Post and Harper’s Bazaar. Most of his contributions to these magazines were fashion illustrations. When he came back to France, he created a plethora of advertisements for Bugatti, Peugeot, Michelin, and Shell Oil Company. His most recognizable work is the 1925 Porto Ramos Pinto poster.

Vincent was a great lover of cars, so as a result he was one of the first French citizens to have a driver’s license and was also one of the first Parisians to have a garage built onto his house. Vincent had a particular design style of distorting perspective and dynamism.

Here below is a set of amazing posters designed by René Vincent in the early 20th century.

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35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Cycles Cottereau et Cie., Dijon, 1905

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Fête des Fleurs au Printemps, March 1909

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Peugeot, circa 1912

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Finidol, Élimine l’Arthritisme et le Rhumatisme, circa 1920s

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Liqueur Marie Brizard, circa 1920s

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Michelin Man with cigar, circa 1920s

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Porto Ramos-Pinto, circa 1920s

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Salmson, 10 HP, 1920

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Saponite, La bonne Lessive, circa 1920s

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Cover of La Vie Parisienne, “Au clair de la lune, Je n’ai plus de feu”, April 1921

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Cover of La Vie Parisienne, “Homme a la rose”, January 22, 1921

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Ad for Peugeot, 1922

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Cover of La Vie Parisienne, October 14, 1922

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Cover of La Vie Parisienne, September 2, 1922

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Au Bon Marché, Toilettes d’Été, 1924

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
“Mon Amour”, 1925

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Au Bon Marché, Nouveautés d’Hiver, 1925-26

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Au Bon Marché, Toilettes d’Été, 1925

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Creme Activa Makeup, circa 1925

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
La Voisin, circa 1925

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Pas de Bon Café sans composition des Moines, 1925

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
The Indian, circa 1925

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Peugeot, 1927

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Motobloc, Bordeaux, 1928

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Philips Pas de Foyer sans Poste – Une prise de courant et.. C’est tout, 1928

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Bugatti, 1930

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
La Raquette Ram a La Vogue, circa 1930

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Potasse d’Alsace, circa 1930

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Pour vos transports précieux, Cotty, 1930

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Au Bon Marché, circa 1931

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Au Bon Marché, Toilettes d’Été, 1933

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Biscuits Olibet, Première Marque Française, 1933

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Offrez les cigares et cigarettes de la “Régie Française”, 1933

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Avec l’Huile Energol ‘A’, démarrage foudroyant en hiver, 1934

35 Amazing Posters Designed by René Vincent in the Early 20th Century
Buvez Evian-Cachat, 1935

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