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Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”

Photographs of Richard and Karen Carpenter taken by Jim McCrary in Lake Tahoe in promotion for the repackaging of their debut album, Offering, newly titled Ticket to Ride, 1970.

Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”

Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”

Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”

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Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”

Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”

Offering by the Carpenters was released on A&M Records on October 9, 1969. This was the beginning of a new era of sophisticated pop music. With their debut album, the Carpenters did not leave much of a mark as the album failed to chart anywhere in the world, initially that is. Offering was a gem of innovation, which was largely overlooked by the music buying public. The album was, however, repackaged and rereleased as Ticket To Ride in 1971 after the huge successes of the singles “Close To You” and “We’ve Only Just Begun.”

Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”
This is the original cover of Offering.

Photographs From the Carpenters Album “Ticket To Ride”
The cover photo of Ticket To Ride, taken by Jim McCrary.

A&M staff photographer Jim McCrary did the fantastic photography work for this album also. This time around Karen and Richard looked more confident as the rising stars they had become. The new album cover was shot in Lake Tahoe.

McCrary also shot the photos for the repackaged Ticket To Ride album as well as the photos included in the album A Song For You and he did the famed Now & Then album cover. McCrary was best known for his photography work on Carole King’s Tapestry album. He also shot album covers and photos for Michael Jackson, Cat Stevens, Flying Burrito Brothers, Peaches and Herb, Billy Preston, Cheech & Chong and others.

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