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35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s

In the 1890s, Rome was still adjusting to its role as the capital of the newly unified Kingdom of Italy, a transition that had begun with the capture of the city in 1870. The decade was marked by both growth and tension.

Urban development continued, with the city’s infrastructure expanding rapidly. New boulevards, such as Via Nazionale, were constructed, and the area around Termini Station grew into a bustling hub. These modernizing projects, however, often clashed with Rome’s ancient and medieval heritage, leading to debates over how to balance preservation with progress.

Here below is a collection of amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s.

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
A panorama from the Palatine, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

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35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Amphitheatre of Tusculum, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Castle and bridge of St. Angelo, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Exterior of the Colosseum, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Forum Boarium, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Forum Romanum from the Palatine, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Fountain “Acqua Felice”, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Fountain of Trevi, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Garibaldi’s Monument, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Interior of the Colosseum, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
New Fountain and Diocletian’s Spring, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Outside the walls, San Lorenzo, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Panorama from the Pincian, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
People’s Place, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Piazza di Minerva, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Piazza di Monte Citorio, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Piazza di Spagna, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Piazza Venezia, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Ruins of Temple of Castor and Pollux, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
St. Paul’s Gate, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
St. Peter’s Place, the obelisk, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
St. Trinita dei Monti, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Temple of Bosco, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Temple of Saturn and Triumphal Arch of Septimus Severus, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
The Capitoline, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
The Capitoline, the piazza, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
The Colosseum and Meta Sudans, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Trajan’s Pillar, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Triumphal Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
Vesta’s Temple, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
View from the Palace of the Caesars, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

35 Amazing Photochroms of Rome in the 1890s
View of the Forum, Rome, Italy, circa 1890s

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