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Linda Eastman as a Vermont College Student in 1961

“To beguile with talk the slow moving hours…” So wrote the lovely young woman named Linda Louise Eastman in 1961. The words appear with Linda’s graduation photograph in the 1961 edition of the Promethean, Vermont College’s yearbook.

Linda Eastman as a Vermont College Student in 1961

Linda Eastman came to Vermont College in 1959 from Scarsdale High School in suburban New York. At that time Vermont College was a junior college (2-year program) and we know Linda received her Associate of Arts degree in 1961, then transferred to the University of Arizona. While in Montpelier, Linda resided in Howland Hall (which still stands) with about 20 other young women. Linda was said to be a “happy spirit,” and belonged to the modern dance club and the Women’s Athletic Association. She remained at Vermont College two years.

Eight years later, in March of 1969, Linda Eastman married Beatles singer/songwriter Paul McCartney.

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